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Tractor Wheels



Equipment Available

10’ Great Plains No-till Drill


  • For planting soybeans, wheat, oats, switchgrass, alfalfa, and other small seeds.  

  • This drill will not plant fluffy native grasses

  • 60 hp tractor needed with hydraulics.  Older John Deere tractors need hydraulic adapter fittings.

  • Rate:  $150 for the first 10 acres, $12 per acre for all acres after the first 10 acres.

6’ and 8’ Truax No-till Drill


  • These drills plant soybeans, wheat, oats, alfalfa, and other small seeds.  This drill can plant native grass mixtures (fluffy seed box).  

  • Works best on untilled sites.

  • At least a 35 hp tractor will be needed with hydraulics.  Older John Deere tractors need hydraulic adapter fittings.

  • Rate: $150 for the first 10 acres, $10 per acre for all acres after the first 10 acres.

2 - 15’ John Deere No-till Drills


  • These drills plant soybeans and small grains

  • Works on tilled and untilled sites

  • No smaller than a 110 hp tractor

  • Rate:  $180 for the first 10 acres, $16 per acre for all acres after the first 10 acres.

Tree Planter


  • At least a 90 hp tractor is required with a minimum of 34” rims to lift planter off from trailer.

  • Rate:  $250 per day.

Important Points to Remember with Warm Season Grass Plantings

  • Site Preparation: Weeds need to be controlled prior to planting.  The best way to accomplish this is by using glyphosate chemical weed control.  It is better not to till the soil prior to planting.  Tillage however is necessary if the ground is un-level.

  • Fertilization: It is always a good idea to get a soil sample to see how much fertilizer is needed for your planting. The Michigan State University-Extension Office has information regarding the proper way to take a soil sample and where to send it.  They are located in the Isabella County Building.  Fertilization should be completed before planting.

  • Planting: Plant native grass and other small seeds as soon as possible to take advantage of spring rains.  This will insure a nice even dense stand.

  • Mowing: Mowing is strongly recommended to control weeds during the first year of establishment. 

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